Importing work orders

Modified on Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 02:03 PM

In order to import 'work orders', you will need to be an administrator and have access to the Account Settings. You can find an example file in the following article.

1. Go to 'Account settings' and select 'Import' and click 'Work orders'.

2. Define fieldnames

Before selecting the import file, define the 'Import file field names' which need to be aligned to your .csv file and click Save. Columns with a (*) are required in order to successfully import a file. Some fields have a '? icon' attached for further information regarding the setups. In order to obtain this information, hover over it with your mouse. 

Furthermore, you need to define the mapping types between single column, multiple columns and fixed value. You can find more information on how to use those different mapping types in this article.

NoteBefore importing the .csv file, make sure that imported data are aligned with the information in the tool including Site ID, Asset ID, Order type, Work package, Required skills,...

3. Import the file

For the import itself choose the button  Choose File on the bottom of the page, select the CSV import file and click on open. After the upload the below-marked button becomes available, this confirms the import. 

The import should only need a few seconds, the green text in the following picture confirms a successful import.

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