Skills on personnel

Modified on Thu, 18 Jan 2024 at 08:03 AM

Every employee in the system gets an employee profile that can also store the skills that the employee has. The skills are a limitation on which work the employee can carry out. Correspondingly there can be requirements for skills on each work order, on entering assets, and logistics options.

Add skills to an employee by opening the employee profile and adding predefined skills in the Skill or Skill group sections. When typing in the in the Find skills dropdown, autocomplete narrows the possible skills down to those matching your partial search.

It is also possible to add certificates as attachments that validate the skills of an employee. This is done by clicking on the 'Upload file' button next to a skill. You can only upload files in .png or .pdf formats.

Once the upload was successful, the destination anchor is displayed as a link. By clicking on the link, the file will be downloaded. Next to the link, you can find a remove button in order to delete the attached certificate.

For information about the WINDA integration, please see this article.

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